Advanced templating: illustrates defines and includes. Include external snippet defined in a variable: {{#def.externalsnippet}} Load external template from a file: {{#def.loadfile('/snippet.txt')}} Load external template from a file and cache in a variable: {{#def['snippet.txt'] || (def['snippet.txt'] = def.loadfile('/snippet.txt'))}} Use cached file again: {{#def['snippet.txt']}} Here is a def block that will be used later. This snippet can be referenced from external templates too: {{##def.snippet1: Some snippet that will be included {{#def.a}} later {{=it.f1}} #}} First use of snippet1: {{#def.snippet1}} Second use of snippet1: {{#def.snippet1}} Include snippet1 if true: {{# true && def.snippet1 }} Runtime and Compile time evaluation used together: {{= it.f3 + {{#def.a + def.b}} }} Include xyz or insert 'not found': {{ || 'not found'}} Set xyz to 1 and exclude result from output: {{}} is identical to {{#( && ""}} Compare xyz to 1, show 'xyz is not 1' if false: {{ === 1 || 'xyz is not 1'}} {{ if ({{#!}}) { }} {{}} is falsy {{ } }} {{ if ({{ === 1}}) { }} if(true) block {{ } }} {{##def.fntest = function() { return "Function test worked!"; } #}} {{#def.fntest()}} Conditionals: {{? !it.altEmail }} <p> second email: {{= it.altEmail }} </p> {{?? true }} else case worked {{?}} Array iterators {{~ it.farray :p }} <h1>{{=p.farray}}<h1> {{~ p.farray :value:i }} <h2>{{=i}}: {{=value}}</h2> {{~ value :w }} <h3>{{=w}}</h3> {{~}} {{~}} {{~}} {{~ ["apple", "banana", "orange"] :k}} {{=k}} {{~}} {{~ (function(){ return [1,2,3]})() :k}} {{=k}} {{~}} {{ function children(it) { }} {{?it.Nodes.length}} <ul> {{~ it.Nodes :p}} <li> {{=p.title}} {{children(p);}} </li> {{~}} </ul> {{?}} {{ } }} {{ children( {Nodes:[ {title:"1.1", Nodes:[ {title:"1.1.1", Nodes:[]}, {title:"1.1.2", Nodes:[]}] }, { title:"1.2", Nodes:[]}, { title:"1.3", Nodes:[]}], title:"1" } ); }} {{##def.block:param: <div>{{=param}}</div> #}} {{##def.block1:param: <div>{{=param.a}}</div> #}} {{#(def.block:'text' || '') + def.block:5}} {{#def.block:it.f3 || ''}} {{#def.block:"lala tralala" || ''}} {{#def.block1:{a:1, b:2} || ''}} {{##def.testFunctionWithParam = function(str) { return "My name is: " + str; } #}} {{##def.mytestparam: {{}} #}} {{#def.testFunctionWithParam(def.mytestparam)}} {{#def.testFunctionWithParam("\{\{\}\}")}} {{##def.testParamDef:myparam: My name is: {{=myparam}} #}} {{}} The end